Once you have scheduled your confirmed appointment, please review and submit these forms. Should you have any questions we’d be happy to discuss these with you.
Picture Me Baby 3D/4D Ultrasound, LLC (Company) offers elective 2D, 3D, 4D & 5D prenatal ultrasounds for entertainment and keepsakes and to provide a positive bonding experience for the mother, family members, and friends with the unborn child. This entertainment ultrasound session will not provide any assumptions, diagnosis, or medical input of any kind and is not intended to take the place of a diagnostic ultrasound or any other medical procedure(s) recommended by your physician or health care provider.
I acknowledge the following:
As a condition of receiving an entertainment ultrasound from Picture Me Baby 3D, 4D Ultrasounds, LLC, I, hereby acknowledge, understand, and agree to the following statements:
In addition, I agree to release and hold harmless the released parties from any and all claims or causes of action for injury, harm, loss, damage, or other liability which results from, or are alleged to result from, the failure of the released parties to accurately determine fetal gender or any other characteristics of the fetus. I will indemnify Picture Me Baby, LLC with respect to any complaint and will agree to arbitration in the state of North Carolina if any disagreements occur.
It is highly recommended that you download and store your images on your computer or other device since they will be removed from the server at the end of 90 days.
Unfortunately, not every ultrasound session produces textbook perfect images. However, using the best technology available and experienced sonographer, we do our best for every client to obtain the very best images possible!!! The quality of your images are determined by many factors and are outside of our control, some key factors are the position of the baby, tissue density, and amniotic fluid levels. For these reasons we do provide a $50 rescan session for several of our packages if we are unable to complete your package that day. Please understand that it is our goal to try and complete your package the same day and give you a great experience with memorable pictures to take home, if a rescan is warranted, the fee is solely for the extra time we have set aside for you and baby.